Days 4 and 5


OK, I’ll admit it. It’s Day 5, and I’m hungry. Not starving, but just a general feeling of hungry that doesn’t go away. I can’t get macaroni and cheese off of my mind. Yep, that’s what’s On My Mind today – carbs.

However, it’s not enough “pain” to quit, although I lost hubby yesterday. He caved around 4 p.m. and had a gyro. And he had a scotch and water at night. He is going to watch what he eats but he thinks this is too extreme. Thing is, you can eat all you want, as long as what you are eating is vegetables. Therefore, you really shouldn’t be hungry. But I don’t want to eat vegetables all day long. I. Just. Can’t.

I think what keeps me going is knowing this isn’t permanent. Gradually adding foods back in is fun, and it gives me something to look forward to. I have also acquired (already) more of a taste for veggies and fruit, and I can see making those protein shakes a part of our weekly habit. They’re easy, good, and keep your appetite under control. I did find out yesterday that avocados are on the ‘yes’ list, so I am headed to Whole Foods at lunch to stock up on more sweet potatoes and avocados. Yee-haw!

I bought the book, “You On A Diet”, yesterday. My parents are using this book for their healthier lifestyle transformation. I downloaded some of the recipes and food guide—much, much better than the cleanse. In fact, most of them sounded downright delicious. I think that will be what I transition to after the cleanse. And, alcohol is allowed in moderation. (Whew!) The only problem I foresee with this is that it requires a lot of prep-work and cooking—two things I have little time for—so we’ll see.

Onto other things…….

Yesterday I experienced the biggest transformation I’ve experienced thus far when it comes to anti-aging: microdermabrasion. I still can’t quit touching my face! Even hubby said, “It feels just like the baby’s!” Fine lines – gone. The little frown lines on my forehead—diminished. My skin is super smooth, almost glowing. I am working on a story about non-surgical cosmetic procedures. A client had me try out one of their new microderm machines yesterday—something I had planned on mentioning in my story. I thought I was too young for microdermabrasion. Turns out, I’m not. In fact, it’s better to have treatments now in order to protect and preserve the skin. She showed me the (eww) dead skin that came off during the procedure, and I am a twice-a-day face cleaner and wear minimal make-up. I was shocked. Problem is, this treatment is $80 a pop so I need to think about it some more. Some women get weekly microderms, but most go once a month. Maybe if I went every other month I could justify the cost. The results are so worth it, and I am the biggest skeptic when it comes to anti-aging modalities. Today, I am going to another client who does total facial makeovers using all kinds of cosmeceuticals, make-up, etc. I’m looking forward to, hopefully, learning something new that I can incorporate into my daily routine.

I visited some of my old Spaces pals on MySpace last night. Turns out, you can download some sort of voice messaging for your blog. I don’t know if MSN has it, but if so, I so want it on my blog. It allows you to put a voice to a face. It’s pretty cool. OK, that was random – microderm to blog features.

What else? I am mentally preparing a lit of all of the updates and renovations I want to do to our house this year. Top of the list is the powder bath. The fixtures/décor are original to the house and are in desperate need of an update. Fortunately, hubby agrees. I also want to change out the tile in the master bath. It’s a deathtrap right now—very slick. I want natural stone, like slate or limestone. Of course, that will call for new countertops, too, because what we have now won’t look right. And then I’ll just decide to go for it and change out fixtures, too. The big project is extending the gameroom upstairs. We want to knock out the wall into the attic and take the room back a bit and put in a built-in wall unit for our big screen with lots of bookshelves. I am thinking that this might be a project that requires a home improvement loan, but we’ll see. On a much smaller scale, we found a new lawn guy who can do seasonal flowers for us and more landscaping all for a reasonable price. He’s hired. I want to ask him about doing some landscaping around the pool, too, and maybe even extending our patio out so I can have a nice place for the porch swing I am getting from Papa’s house. But wait…not finished yet. I have also decided I want to stain our cabinets in the kitchen to a deep, dark stain. Then I’ll finally be finished with the kitchen, outside of updating appliances, which may never happen and that’s OK.

That’s it – I think. Except I know that in this year we’ll be transitioning the nursery to more of a big girl room—one of my favorite things. It can wait though, as she is very content as is and so are we. I think we are also going to get a leather sofa for the upstairs gameroom—something that will resist wear/tear and spills. That will lead me to a coffee table, rug, new carpet, etc., I’m sure. At least I’m honest with myself! Sound like enough? Um, yeah.

Hubby and I did such a great job last year saving and investing. We both maxed out our 401K’s at work and contributed to a different account. This year, we plan to really beef up the girls’ college accounts. All I can do is hope and pray that we continue to have good years at work, which also means that we all stay healthy and happy. That’s the priority. We contribute a fair amount to our church this year—I was raised to do that and believe in doing so—but hubby doesn’t agree with the 10 percent tithing. He just doesn’t get it. I do, but there is no way I can convince him otherwise. I always feel guilty, receiving the blessings and not returning them. I mean, we do, but not what is “asked.” We also donate to charities in various ways throughout the year, but I always get a nagging feeling about the “you get what you give” philosophy. I probably worry too much, but still……

There is a class at our church I’d love to take. I think it would be so good for me, personally. However, it’s on Wednesday nights, which are gymnastics nights. Sure hubby could take her, but we both know there is no way he can commit to a weekly schedule like that with his work the way it is. And I don’t want to take the class unless I can fully commit to it. Maybe someday I’ll be in a better position for something like that. Hope so.

Well, clock says it’s time for lunch, and I take eating pretty seriously these days. Pretty much anything sounds appetizing. Oh great, the girl in the cube across from me says, “Do you want chips or fries?” She’s ordering lunch for herself and a friend. Ugh. Oh, and still no news on the ring. The cleaning lady comes today so maybe it will turn up. I need about 4,000 of you to visit my space so I can reach the 100,000 mark! Woo-hoo! I know my writing has been rather ho-hum lately. It’s just that I run out of hours. Tonight’s agenda? Getting out birthday invites for both kids. Working on my online albums. And that’s after swimming lessons. See what I mean? No hours….. alas.


Til next time…..

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10 Responses to Days 4 and 5

  1. dawn_00_23 says:

    HI! I\’ve ready your blog for awhile, you are an awesome writer, and well let\’s face it, your life makes mine look like a cake walk, and who doesn\’t like that. lol Anyway you finally said something I have some authority on, well enough to make a recomendation anyway. You want a leather sofa, well, if you are looking for something comfy and stain resistant that holds up well, might I recomend Durapella, it\’s a faux suede. Cleans like a breeze and it doesn\’t freeze your booty or make you sweat like leather does. Anyway, just wanted to put that out there. Good luck with all of the projects!

  2. Davina says:

    Sounds like you are kicking this die…er, I mean, healthy lifestyle change\’s ass!  Way to go!  I looked into a 21 day detox diet once, but it looked a lot more impossible than this one (the third week was entirely liquid!)  Basically, near anorexic…no thanks!
    I heart homeade smoothies.  Thought you might like this little item that I own.  I got it at Walmart (call me country, call me WT, I don\’t care, I heart Walmart and it\’s cheap as dirt merchandise!  Plus, they have really good, reasonably priced produce!)

    I make smoothies for breakfast every morning with this thing.  I just mix ice, fat free vanilla yogurt, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberry juice, and a tablespoon of metamucil in the cup, swap out the blade top for the lid and voile\’…heathly breakfast to go in literally 3 minutes.  It is fantastic. 
    Happy healthy lifestyle changing!

  3. Toni says:

    Ha! Stay strong on the detox battlefield…veggies–eeeeeewwwwww.
    I\’ll say you guys better have a good year financially! With all the updates and new things you have planned…can\’t wait to see pictures, I\’m sure it will end up looking great. Remodeling is a tough thing, sometimes, though. ~Toni

  4. Nice Girl says:

    It\’s just me, dropping in to say hi.  Sounds like things are even more busy than ever!  Congratulations on trying to start 2007 off on the right foot food-wise.  Great job on the working out as well.  I\’d say that you are certainly on your way. 
    I\’ve been lusting after a dining room table lately, so I am with you on the renovations.  It sounds like you have a lot of wonderful projects planned!  I hope that you will post pictures and keep us updated on your progress. 
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Amanda  🙂

  5. NJaney says:

    God. I hope you find that ring. I\’m sending Ring Be Found vibes your way…nothing is more frustrating.
    Good deal with the detox! I love veggies and salads, but the minute it\’s that or nothing I\’d be craving everything but. You\’re my detox hero 😉

  6. Tina says:

    Hey Jennifer!  Good for you on the detox.  I am really impressed!  I am having such a hard time with all that stuff myself right now.  You are inspiring me.
    The microdermabrasion – That sounds interesting.  I have never considered it for myself, but maybe I will look into it.  You will have to give me a recommendation on where to go.  I feel like the last 4 years of pregnancy has done a toll on my skin.
    Sounds like you have alot of plans for the house.   Even though my house is new, I feel like we have so much to do still.  Its just never ending.
    I cant believe that you have not found your ring.  Does hubby know?  I hope that you find it soon.
    So……after you are done with your detox, are you allowed lunch with a friend?
    Oh – and thanks to Angela re: the "faux suede".  We are looking for new couches as well. 

  7. Aimee says:

    couldn\’t you just record yourself and load it up on a media player here?
    :o) smiles are contagious…and free…as well as a great start to the new year…pass one to people that you love and those you don\’t…and soon everyone will be smiling… :o)

  8. BP says:

    Hey Jennifer,Sounds like you have even more planned for your house than I do for mine.  Now I\’m getting jealous.
    Speaking of envy, 100, 000, I just went over 13,000 myself.  Then again, my writing is not nearly as interesting as yours, but that is the way the cookie crumbles.
    I ended up doing my procedure as an outpatient and have been able to be at home the entire time.  I am, however, still not up to 100%, but I anticipate being there shortly.
    That micro-thingy sounds fascinating.  I did a laser treatment about two years ago and it did remove the veins I had all my nose, but it did not tighten up my pores or remove the fine lines as it was touted to.  Perhaps I will look into this procedure myself.  I am just so veins sometimes, but then I look at all of the features I don\’t like about myself and think what the hell am I trying to prove.  One of these days I might even try using Grecian formula so I can touch of the gray that seems to be creeping up my sideburns.
    On a separate note, I don\’t know how you are able to get all of the things accomplished you do.  As for giving 10%, I tend to agree with both of you.  It is difficult for me to do this, but when I do not donate enough to charities, I feel that nagging feeling of not giving back what I receive.  Hopefully all of my volunteer work, which I need to get back into, my make up for my occasional amorous behavior.Billy

  9. BP says:

    Do you have a link for this detox thing?  Just curious as to what benefit It really does provide.  I have been doing Slim fast in the evenings and seemed to be losing some weight, but I really need to be able to get more veggies and fruits in my diet.  Unfortunately fruits seem to cause more bowel problems that I would like.  Although, I\’m thinking about incorporating fish oil in my diet to replace the yogurt I am eating every day.
    Talk to you later.Billy

  10. Tiffany says:

    Hey there… just catching up on your blog.  Just thought I would comment on the microderm.  It is awesome, but another non-abrasive form is a facial with a water-peel.  It basically does the same thing the microderm does, but it\’s not painful… more relaxing and they cleanse your face really well beforehand.  I go to an upscale (only facial) type salon and my cost is $80.00.  You might want to check it out.

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